Sunday, March 7, 2010


Well we didn't get off as lightly as we first thought. There are broken tiles on the roof that we didn't notice until the water damage appeared on the ceiling and there are broken windows at the back of the house. The cars look even worse in the clear light of day when we can step back and assess the damage. Worst of all there is another storm set for tonight. It is a few hours away so hopefully it veers away from us or breaks down before it gets here. They are calling it a super cell - don't exactly know what that entails but it is very bad apparently.

The poor horses copped it also. They were fairly exposed to the weather and hail and there was no chance to even rug them up before it hit. Now we know another storm is approaching they will fare better if the storm hits tonight.

"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. ~Roger Miller

I think we can safely say that on this occassion we just got wet!!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Don't you have one of those giant super protective tents that you can put up over everything? Why don't they have those?!
