Thursday, May 17, 2012

Puppy trouble

We had ourselves a bit of an emergency last night. The new puppy, Miley, somehow managed to cut her leg open on something in the back yard. It was only a small cut but it was deep and I could tell it needed sutures. It was 9pm and all the veterinary clinics were closed but we managed to find a 24 hour service in a nearby suburb. It came as quite a surprise to learn that she needed an operation.  She had not only cut her leg but also the tendon which meant surgery, shock horror and expense! and an overnight stay in the hospital and some medication to make sure the wound didn't become infected.

She's confined to indoors until the bandage comes off and the sutures are removed but she is liking all the attention.

Now we just have to find out what she cut herself on in the first place. We certainly don't want that expense all over again!
