Thursday, September 2, 2010


Spring has been in the air for awhile now. Bulbs blooming, new growth in the garden, green shoots appearing on the deciduous trees, newborn lambs dotting the hillside and the sun is trying hard to break through the clouds and shine brightly leaving the nearby hills dappled in shades of green. 

The euphorbia wulfenii are standing tall and taking over the narrow garden bed reminding me of something out of 'The Day of the Triffids'. 

Spring is also the nesting season. The first of my son's baby birds have hatched and it will be exciting now to see what colours they will be. There are five in this clutch and  following genetics there should be 4 blue and 1 white but we will have to wait and see if nature throws us a rare colour. That would be really exciting!

Baby Ringnecks

It is still cold and wet but we are not complaining as it will be hot soon enough.

And I couldn't resist adding a photo of these little sweeties :)



  1. Gosh they are big! What will the baby birds grow up into?

  2. Thanks for the great pics! I have to say that the little blond sweeties are WAY cuter that the little pink birdies.
